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Electronic Mail List

GAWL Electronic Mail List on Google Groups

GAWL maintains a Google Group, GAWL Listserv, for members to communicate with one another.  The electronic mail list is available to both members and non-members.  Currently, the group is not moderated.  However, members of the GAWL Listserv will be blocked from future posts if they create offensive  or inappropriate posts.   Appropriate posts to this group include job openings, local bar association events, associating local counsel, feedback requests on judicial candidates, and other legal matters.   If you feel that you  have been erroneously blocked, please contact the VP of Communications ( to review your status.  

To join the GAWL Listserv on Google Groups, follow these directions:

  1. Sign into Google Groups using a Google account 
  2. In the box at the top, enter "GAWL Listserv"
  3. Click "GAWL Listserv"
  4. Click "Join group to post"

You will need to set your preferences to receive emails. 

  1. Click on My Settings 
  2. Click on Membership and Email Settings
  3. Select your desired Email Delivery Preference

To send emails to the Google Group, GAWL Listserv, include in the to field of your email.  You must be a member of the Google Group to post (follow the directions above).